(800) 441 - 3964
(800) 441 - 3964
Seamoss Fusions was founded in May 2023. Our goal was to create a delicious menu offering many different flavors that will bring health & convenience while keeping your taste buds satisfied!!
Our Culinary Director & Founder work together to create seamoss products that'll nourish your body backed by free easy to follow guides that'll help create healthier habits. When you start making healthier choices you’ll free up vital energy to use into every other aspect and area of your life. The very foods we eat directly dictate how our bodies function. Modern day foods normally include unhealthy sugars, preservatives, unhealthy fats that bring inflammation and mucus to the body. Major health risks are created when consuming these "fast foods". The reason so many Americans have consumed such foods is mainly due to their convivence factor.
This is where we come in! Seamoss Fusions is a convenient solution that'll bring you healthy sea moss products right to your door. We offer over 30+ menu items so that our customers get a chance to experience many different flavors! Our suppliers deliver 100% wildcrafted seamoss that's naturally grown in the unpolutted ocean waters of Saint Lucia. All Seamoss orders are tested to make sure that its 100% ocean grown and never pool grown.
Our Nutrition Coaching Team has come together to create easy to follow guides designed for any goal! Whether you’re looking to lose fat, gain muscle, eat healthier, perform better, or just have a better relationship with the food you eat, our service has a array of products that can help you with your goals.
Our goal in 2023 is to bring you the best meal prep experience possible! We promise to keep an eye on the details as we continue to guaranteed your customer satisfaction! If you ever want to reach out to us please feel free to email or call us anytime!!
Thank you for taking the time to read about who we are and why we’re here!